What’s The S3 Society: Systems, Support, and Success for Next-Level Virtual Assistants Course?

What is the S3 Society Course for Virtual Assistants?

As a virtual assistant, you can grow to six figures (and beyond) in your business — and you also need to have a very clear idea of how you want to do that in your life. I think we’re sold this dream that we can have it all, but we aren’t told the really big catch, which is we can’t do it all by ourselves.

It’s not realistic or sustainable to grow a large-scale business and still spend all your time at home with your kids (or still be expected to do all the household tasks). There are just not enough hours in the day. But that’s what’s marketed to VAs and I’m calling BS on that!

I’ve come to realize that the thing that really gets left out of the conversation is leaning into the expertise of others. Whether it’s outsourcing time-consuming tasks at home, like grocery delivery, hiring a nanny or sending your kiddo to daycare, or finding a VA for your business so you can continue to grow and scale without dropping balls on your end…these things are must-haves for anyone wishing to pursue their dreams. Because dreams take time.

No one is teaching you how to have these systems in place to help you manage yourself and your clients as you expand your business.

I am on a mission to be that person for you and help you grow your business. Here’s exactly what the S3 Society: Systems, Support, and Success for Next-Level VAs Course can do for your virtual assistant business and what you’ll get when you enroll!

Next-Level Dreams for Your Next-Level Virtual Assistant Business

No matter what your “why” is for your business, I bet that if you’re reading this, you want to have flexibility. Flexibility to…

  • Be a mama and a CEO
  • Have date nights with your hubby and retreats in your business
  • Enjoy life wherever it takes you and pursue meaningful work

That is one of the great things about being an executive virtual assistant. You get to use your genius gifts like managing others, creating environments for everyone to thrive, and setting up systems to make everyone’s life easier.

And while you’re doing your genius work supporting others who are doing theirs, you can have the freedom to work where you want, be the boss of your schedule so you can be there for school pickup and soccer games, and make as much money as you want to support your family.

Here’s the good news. I said you can’t have it all and do it by yourself — and you don’t have to!

When I was growing my virtual assistant agency, I needed a way to get everyone on the same page. Our clients had come to expect a certain level of white-glove management when it was just me in the agency.

So, I created a step-by-step system with clearly defined details on how to do…well, just about everything!

What You Get With the S3 Society

S3 Society: Systems, Support, and Success for Next-Level VAs is a course full of in-depth knowledge of all the systems and processes for how to sell your services, work with your clients and retain multiple high-level clients.

Plus, a clear step-by-step process for how to streamline your business systems and maintain your sanity as you do this genius work!

You’ll get a clear, simple plan to follow so you can build an authentic, next-level Virtual Assistant business by teaching you how to manage yourself, your busy schedule, and your high-level clients.

Inside the S3 Society, you’ll learn…

S3 Society: Systems, Support, and Success for Next-Level VAs will teach you my proven process to grow your VA business with in-depth training on establishing systems and processes, managing and maintaining clients, and marketing yourself so you can step into your true potential and be the confident, trusted, next-level EVA for clients you’re excited to work with.

It has features like:

  • In-depth modules with lessons that cover everything from time management to client support, creating standard operating procedures to self-care.
  • Video, text, workbooks, and PDF guides to show you exactly how to establish and amplify your skills.
  • Quick, actionable videos that you can start implementing to see growth immediately.
  • Amazing bonuses and tons of support along the way.

And you’ll learn how to:

  • Become an EVA and work as one
  • Manage multiple clients
  • Manage their time as an EVA
  • Not get overwhelmed by the work
  • Lead a client on a weekly call
  • Learn the actual skills needed to implement for a client (email management, calendar management, business organization, etc.)
  • Manage multiple accounts while not working 8-hour days

What You’ll Learn with the S3 Society

The S3 Society will teach you how to set up your Virtual Assistant business for success.

It’s full of systems, skills, and structure that shows you the exact steps to manage your clients and yourself with ease so you can be confident in your skills and grow your business.

Here’s a peek at the modules!

1. Set Strong Foundations: Begin your journey on the right foot with everything you need to know to be successful with the S3 Society. You’ll learn a crucial mindset shift for how to begin thinking of yourself as a high-level business owner committed to growth that will help you throughout this course and beyond.

2. Avoiding and Managing Overwhelm: Feel confident to take on higher-level clients and work! Discover your unique work style so you can work with it instead of against it, Plus discover supportive tools like work blocks, notifications, and mindset to help you set supportive goals and learn your why for being in business so you can feel good about how you spend your time every day.

3. Time Management 101: Learn to maximize your most precious resource so you can have time for work and life. Create and maintain a Success Schedule, learn to communicate without guilt, and discover ways to quickly reorganize yourself when life happens (because it will).

4. Creating Your Business Systems and Policies: Here’s how to create systems and policies for your own business so you can let go of the overwhelm of what to do (and how to do it) and step into your confidence knowing that you’ve set up your business with all the tools you need to be an elite, next-level EVA who’s confident in their skills.

5. Day-to-Day Client Support: Learn what to expect when working with new clients, plus how to manage multiple clients, lead them to day-to-day success, and have the most supportive structure for meetings, recaps, and more so you can always anticipate their needs and be a rockstar EVA.

6. Systems Support for Clients: Discover the exact tools to use and how to integrate them seamlessly for a systematized workflow that’s supportive for your clients and successful for everyone.

7. Establishing Boundaries: Create guilt-less boundaries, learn how to kindly say no, and understand how to have important conversations with clients so you can have a respectful relationship.

8. Best Communication Practices and Channels: Unwrap the secrets for communication tools that you can use in your client workflow. You’ll learn the best tools for different types of communication, plus what to do when they go down so nothing is interrupted.

9. Strengthen Your Self-Care: Self-care is important as an EVA so you can be fully charged to take care of others. Find out how to add self-care into each day, plus how to set yourself up to take extended time away from your business.

10. Systems for Success: Put everything together with systems and support for success in your EVA business. Follow along with a step-by-step how-to so can apply what you’ve learned to your day-to-day and know exactly what it could look like for you.

And some amazing bonuses!

Transformational Tenacity Toolkit
If you’re feeling discouraged and frustrated, know that almost everyone has been there as they grow. Inside the Transformational Tenacity Toolkit, you’ll find advice, pep talks, and practical tools to support your mindset and encourage you to stick with it through the tough times. There’s a Resiliency Checklist, Self Care Activities worksheet, and Mantras and Affirmations.

Amplify Your Interviews
Learn how to enhance your interviews so you can put a spotlight on your expertise and clearly communicate to clients why you’re the perfect person for the job. Watch video examples of application audits with tips and tricks for how to apply, what to say based on their job description, and how to send non-pushy follow-ups, plus a cheat sheet on how to nail an interview.

Wonderful Welcomes: Welcome Packet Template
Show your client you’re professional and put their mind at ease from the moment they say yes with this welcome packet template. You’ll find everything you need to include to start off on the right foot for a smooth transition. This fill-in-the-blank template is built from the same welcome packet we use with Prestridge & Co clients.

Elite EVA Portfolio Template
Clearly showcase and highlight your expertise as an EVA with a stand-out portfolio! This template shows you what you need to include in your portfolio, plus how to create an elevated one showcasing exactly how you manage your clients’ schedules and inboxes, how you create SOPs and other items on which a client will want to see your talent.

How to Host Next-Level Client Calls
As an EVA, you’ll assist clients in the day-to-day so you’ll need those details, but how do you do it without getting bogged down in emails? A weekly client call is your best friend! Learn how to lead efficient, impactful client calls, with agendas, meeting notes, and more. You’ll also have examples of Sadie and the other EVAs at Prestridge & Co supporting clients on weekly calls so you can see exactly how they do it!

And when you Pay In Full: Get the Sales Call Success
In this toolkit, you’ll find everything you need to confidently lead a discovery call and clearly package your services so clients know exactly how you can help them:

  • Discovery Call Spreadsheet so you can be prepared with step-by-step instructions to lead a supportive sales call
  • Video examples showcasing what a great discovery call looks like so you can easily replicate it yourself
  • Prosperous Proposals: an easy fill-in-the-blank template that clearly recaps what you discussed on your call and lays out the next steps so they know exactly how you can help them
  • Follow-up email scripts: these scripts will tell you exactly what to write (and when) so you won’t let the anxiety of a blank email prevent you from following up with clients who (almost) ghosted you anymore.

This Isn’t Just Another Virtual Assistant Course

I really wanted to make this course because I’ve been on both sides as a CEO and a VA. I see where the relationship falls short and where it flies.

So I know by learning how to manage yourself first and then the systems and processes you need to maintain a high-quality relationship, it’ll move the needle for your clients and for your business.

I hope you’ll join us because I know you can do this. You are smarter than you think you are and if you’re anything like me, you just need a little help to take your business to the next level. Not everyone is systems-minded, but everyone can learn how to do it!

In this program, you’ll have a proven process and step-by-step instructions for how to support clients and yourself so you can feel confident and empowered in your business.

When you do, you can create a business that allows you to enjoy what you’re doing, feel satisfied and accomplished, work from anywhere, be a valued member of the team, and show up for yourself and your family in a whole new way.

Click here to learn more about The S3 Society: Systems, Support, and Success for Next-Level VAs and step into your true power!

How to Become an In Demand Virtual Assistant with the S3 Society

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